Thank you for visiting. Unfortunately, the committee/board application is now closed.
The submission date for applications was extended to February 20, 2023 to allow for additional submissions in order to accommodate and in hopes of receiving the required number of committee/board members for each committee and board.
At the January 23, 2023 meeting of Shelburne Council a decision was made to form a 3 member committee of Council to review applications.
The committee will be meeting Monday February 27, 2023 to review all applications received. They will short list who will be selected for an interview or where an interview is not deemed needed for some committees, make a recommendation to Council for appointment to a committee. For those selected for an interview, you will be contacted for a date and time for your interview – this may take a few weeks from start to finish. The final recommendation of the review committee will be provided to Council at a council meeting likely in March or early April.
Should you have any questions please reach out
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